The Women2030 gender training and CCRI workshop took place from the 28th and 29th of August in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Overall the CCRI aims to contribute to the implementation of the CBD’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets by providing policy advice on effective and appropriate forms of support for community conservation. To do this, CCRI assessments are being undertaken with communities in 22 countries, 4 of which are in Eastern Europe and Central Asia—Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. Other participants in this workshop came from Armenia, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
The Women2030 section of the program covered the #Women2030 ‘training of trainers’ skillshare, focusing on mainstream media, social media and activist photography.
A report will be shared soon after the events conclude.