9 11, 2018

Powerpoints of data collected for the gender assessments

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 9th, 2018|Advocacy, External news, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, News, Reports & studies|0 Comments

Women2030’s partners are monitoring the implementation of the SDGs and collect primary data thanks to questionnaires delivered and focus group discussions organized with community groups. The documents provide an overview of the community-based data collected by our partners as part of their gender assessment Summary of the data for W2030 Kyrgystan W2030 GA données collectées [...]

9 11, 2018

Kyrgyzstan: gender assessment

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 9th, 2018|Advocacy, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, News|0 Comments

The Kyrgyz Republic has undergone significant political and economic changes since 2000, and these changes have undoubtedly had an effect on gender equality outcomes. In 2010, Rosa Otunbayeva was appointed interim president, thereby becoming first female head of state of a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The number of women representatives in the [...]

7 11, 2018

#MindTheGAP demonstration: feminists calling for a robust Gender Action Plan (GAP) as an outcome of the climate negotiations (COP23)

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 7th, 2018|Advocacy, APWLD, Climate, COP, Outreach, Press release|0 Comments

Press Release: Women & Gender Constituency hosts an action during the climate negotiations  COP 23, Bonn, Germany 07 November 2017  WHAT On Tuesday November 7, 2017, the Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC hosted an interactive ACTION at COP23 to highlight the importance of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) and reinforce our demands for the negotiations. [...]

7 11, 2018

Forest Cover 53 – Leaving no one behind: Community rights and biodiversity conservation

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 7th, 2018|Biodiversity, Climate, Energy, GFC, News, Outreach|0 Comments

Welcome to Forest Cover No. 53, the Global Forest Coalition newsletter that provides a space for Southern and Northern environmental justice activists to present their views on international forest-related policies. In this 53rd edition of Forest Cover, published in the run-up to the Convention on Biodiversity’s December discussions on biodiversity conservation and the Sustainable Development [...]

7 11, 2018


By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 7th, 2018|Advocacy, Gender equality, Shadow reports, Shadow reports 2017, WECF|0 Comments

The level of gender inequality in Tajikistan remains high, despite the minor improvements from the previous year. The country’s performance and global ranking as regards economic participation and active involvement of women in policy-making also suffered a blow. Public trade unions acknowledge the work that the Tajik government has been doing to tackle gender inequality, [...]

2 11, 2018

Policy roundtable in Dushanbe

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 2nd, 2018|Advocacy, News, WECF|0 Comments

This was originally posted by our local partner Youth Ecological Centre (see Russian text below) The round table “Gender assessment of environmentally related Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Tajikistan” was held in Dushanbe on October 31. The round table organized by the Climate Network of NGOs in Tajikistan with the support of WECF [...]