Photo by Lucy Mulenkei, Indigenous Information Network
Nairobi, 26 February – 2 March 2018
The Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) aims to contribute to the implementation of the CBD’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets by providing policy advice on effective and appropriate forms of support for community conservation. To do this, the CCRI is being undertaken in 22 countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Ghana, DRC and South Africa.
The goal of the African skillshare meetings is to provide a regional platform for sharing skills and experience, engaging in dialogue and developing joint strategies between partners of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) and Women2030 as well as other GFC members, interested groups and communities. The skillshares will provide an opportunity to share views and knowledge about practical tools and methodologies on how to promote and strengthen the resilience of community conservation and empower women in sustainable development policies, including media strategies, fundraising, and methods for advocacy.
Back to back to the skillshare, we will also have the African regional Women2030 Media Training that will take place from 28 February to 2 March 2018 in Nairobi, back-to-back to the African regional skillshare on community conservation (which takes place on 26 and 27 February).
The goal of the meeting is to provide a regional platform for Women 2030 partners, interested groups and communities to participate in capacity building on outreach and advocacy and to share skills and experience with each other. The media training will focus on strategies and techniques for social media, mainstream media and messaging as well as activist photography. The meeting is an opportunity to share views and knowledge about practical tools and methodologies on how to empower women in sustainable development policies, including media strategies and methods for advocacy.
Contact: Jeanette Sequeira (