Our partner Rural Women's Organisation ALGA Kyrgyzstan has prepared this shadow report. You can download the report here: Kyrgyzstan
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Our partner Rural Women's Organisation ALGA Kyrgyzstan has prepared this shadow report. You can download the report here: Kyrgyzstan
[Русская версия] Last week, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiations in Rome aimed to set out a global biodiversity framework for the coming decades. The sheer scale of the challenges faced by our planet is difficult to comprehend, but there is now at least recognition of the fact that ecological and social crises must be [...]
The Kyrgyz Republic has undergone significant political and economic changes since 2000, and these changes have undoubtedly had an effect on gender equality outcomes. In 2010, Rosa Otunbayeva was appointed interim president, thereby becoming first female head of state of a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The number of women representatives in the [...]
Originally posted by the Global Forest Coalition in English, Spanish and French October 15th marks International Day of Rural Women. Today, along with eight of our member groups, we are celebrating the role and invaluable contributions of women and girls all around the world towards protecting forests and biodiversity, producing healthy and sustainable food and [...]
by Jeanette Sequeira, Juana Vera Delgado and Ruth Nyambura, Global Forest Coalition November 25th has been designated as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women by the United Nations. The day also marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, an international campaign spearheaded by feminists and women’s [...]
Over 350 lesbians* bringing #LesbianGenius to the world, gathered for 3 days in a Soviet era Turist hotel, guarded like a fortress by police and National Guard, where the halls were renamed for three days honouring fierce feminists. The second European Lesbian * Conference (EL * C) took place in April in Kiev, Ukraine. It [...]
Welcome to Forest Cover No. 53, the Global Forest Coalition newsletter that provides a space for Southern and Northern environmental justice activists to present their views on international forest-related policies. In this 53rd edition of Forest Cover, published in the run-up to the Convention on Biodiversity’s December discussions on biodiversity conservation and the Sustainable Development [...]
WECF and Women2030 partners participate in policy dialogue on Gender and Women’s rights in Tajikistan, organised by the EU delegation in Dushanbe on 24-25 of April 2018 The European Union delegation in Tajikistan invited WECF and its partner YEC (Youth Ecological Centre) to speak at the Civil Society Seminar "Practical Implementation of the Gender Equality [...]
Monday, July 2, 13.15 pm, Room: A Effectively taking gender considerations into account in conservation and sustainable use measures is a challenging task that requires active engagement of actors and stakeholders at all levels. This side event will share some of the experiences and exchange from the capacity building workshop on gender mainstreaming for Parties [...]
CSW62 CONCLUSIONS On March 12th 2018, the 62nd CSW session was opened at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. WECF was represented by Anke Stock, Sascha Gabizon, Hanna Gunnarsson and our partner Agnes Mirembe (ARUWE, Uganda) and Sonia (BaliFokus). Many important conclusions were reached and agreed upon, among which: increased financing and official [...]