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Nigeria presents SDGs National Voluntary Reviews to UN

By | 2023-03-13T08:37:35+00:00 July 5th, 2017|External news, News|

By Prudence Arobani in News Agency of Nigeria Nigeria has presented its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2017 National Voluntary Reviews to the UN High-level Political Forum. The Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs, Mrs Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire while presenting the reviews, said the report provided information on progress and status of implementation of the [...]

WEP’s Executive Director Priscilla Achakpa on the validation meeting of Nigeria’s Voluntary Report to HLPF

By | 2023-03-13T08:37:35+00:00 June 15th, 2017|Events, News, WEP|

By Pebang Danladi | Publish Date: Jun 15 2017 2:00AM A civil society activist and leading participant in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria said greater involvement of state governments is aiding the capacity for success in implementation. The Representative of Civil Society Strategy Group on SDGs, Mrs Priscilla Achakpa, said [...]


By | 2023-03-13T08:37:35+00:00 June 13th, 2017|News, WEP|

  The Kingdom of Netherlands has made a financial contribution to Women Environmental Programme (WEP) for the implementation of the project: “Ensuring Effective Implementation of Programmes, Policies and Legislations, that Contribute Towards Achieving Gender Equality in Nigeria by 2030.” The contribution agreement was signed between WEP and the Kingdom of Netherlands on 31st of October, 2016, [...]

HerstoryGrows – The seeds we plant grow roots

By | 2023-03-10T08:37:09+00:00 June 25th, 2021|News|

“For me, the change begins when we begin to love ourselves, to be strong, to be independent", the words of Liliana resonate all the way from Colombia to the rest of the world.  Awareness is like a pair of new glasses you cannot take off, once we see new possibilities, there is no turning back, [...]

Virtually in New York at the UN: WECF events during the Commission on the Status of Women

By | 2023-03-10T08:37:09+00:00 March 30th, 2021|Advocacy, Gender equality, News, WECF, WEP|

A year ago, just before the CSW, the corona pandemic changed everything. But now we have found new ways of movement building. So, we can connect virtually from all over the world to CSW65. In addition to the negotiations, in which government delegations have discussions on what it takes to improve gender equality, a lot [...]

Call for feminist storytelling experts for the end evaluation of our Women2030 programme

By | 2023-03-10T08:37:09+00:00 October 26th, 2020|News|

The Women2030 coalition partners are looking for (an) expert(s) in feminist storytelling who will support our end of programme evaluation in a participatory and innovative way, by putting forward and make visible the impactful stories of transformation of our target groups and their communities. The Women2030 programme is led by a coalition of 4 women’s [...]

Achieving Gender Equality in Africa: Women2030 Africa Regional Report

By | 2023-03-10T08:37:10+00:00 July 15th, 2020|Advocacy, Biodiversity, Climate, Energy, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, News, Reports & studies, Shadow reports, Shadow reports 2020, WEP|

This publication compiles the results of gender assessments and Sustainable Development Goals’ policy monitoring by the Women2030 partners in Africa in the following countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Tchad, Liberia and Tunisia. The gender assessments and policy monitoring carried out by Women2030 partners assessed the situation of women in the target countries regarding [...]

Local Gender Equality Initiatives in Uganda

By | 2023-03-13T08:35:18+00:00 January 28th, 2020|Gender equality, News, WECF|

Together with ARUWE, our partner organisation in Uganda, five organisations have been awarded €1000 each to support their projects on gender equality. Under our partnership programme with the European Commission, Women2030, we selected organisations based on their local initiatives on gender and Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDG’s).  Each of the organisations that received the grants took part in training [...]

Call for Applications : Women2030 coalition’s Joint Alternative Report

By | 2023-03-13T08:35:18+00:00 December 19th, 2019|Advocacy, APWLD, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, GFC, GWA, News, WECF, WEP|

The Women2030 programme is led by a coalition of 4 women’s rights and gender equality organisations (WECF, APWLD, GFC, WEP). Our goal is to build capacity of women's and gender civil society organisations (CSOs) and engage them in the policy processes of Agenda2030, its corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate [...]