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The Women 2030 Programme is being implemented in countries across different regions of the world. It is constituted by a coalition of 4 women+ and gender network organisations collaborating to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a gender-equitable and climate-just way. The coalition is part of a year framework partnership agreement with the European Commission’s International Cooperation arm (DEVCO) called “Women 2030 CSOs implementing SDGs Agenda.”


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Inspiring stories of women and non-binary persons working on gender equality within all of the SDGs.

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The latest news on Sustainable Development & Agenda 2030, and on Environment & UNEP



The latest and upcoming events on Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030

1607, 2019

Peoples’ development justice movement gathered in New York

Demanding governments to having a people-centred approach to development More than 100 civil society organisations, activists and human rights defenders from New York and across the globe gathered yesterday, Sunday, 15 July at a “Ground Level Peoples’ Forum” (GLPF) to share their struggles and reflect on the rise of macho fascist politics, amidst the growing levels of inequality and the climate crisis. The peoples’ movement gathered and vowed to find ways to work together in the future and hold governments accountable for their commitment to sustainable development. The event was held as a counter space to the High Level Political Forum at United Nations where governments have come together to discuss sustainable development without any space for civil society and grassroots communities to voice their concerns and the realities on the ground. Groups at GLPF said a vision of people-centered development solution that works for those at the margins of society is crucial, especially because billions of people and communities are impacted by the current development model where wealth inequality is rising, climate and environmental crises is escalating and grabbing of land and resources is rampant. “The current economic growth is contrary to the sustainable management of our resources, that Indigenous peoples [...]

1507, 2019


Our partner organisation WEP Tunisie has prepared this shadow report in parallel to Tunisia’s Voluntary National Review, presented at the High Level Political Forum 2019. You can download it here: Tunisia's shadow report

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Gender equality and women’s rights as a crucial pillar to achieving the sustainable development goals, the SDGs


The Women 2030 project is being implemented in countries across different regions of the world. It is constituted by a coalition of 4 women+ and gender network organisations collaborating to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a gender-equitable and climate-just way. The coalition is part of a 5 year framework partnership agreement with the European Commission’s International Cooperation arm (DEVCO) called “Women 2030 CSOs implementing SDGs Agenda.”

#Women2030 supports the implementation of the Agenda 2030. With activities at international, regional, national, and grass-roots level, the coalition integrates many of the SDGs in its work. Particular focus is on Gender Equality (SDG 5); Universal access to Water and Sanitation (#SDG6); Sustainable Energy (#SDG7); Decent Work (#SDG8); Sustainable Production and Consumption (#SDG12); Climate Action (#SDG13); Conserving Forests and Biodiversity (#SDG15).

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