Together with ARUWE, our partner organisation in Uganda, five organisations have been awarded €1000 each to support their projects on gender equality. Under our partnership programme with the European Commission, Women2030, we selected organisations based on their local initiatives on gender and Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDG’s).
Each of the organisations that received the grants took part in training and personal mentoring sessions. ARUWE organised a two-day workshop on sustainable development, gender equality and women’s rights, as well as training on integrating gender into their programmes.
Edu Child Foundation Uganda
One of the recipients of the grant is the local non-profit organisation Edu Child Foundation Uganda, working in the communities of Goli – in the Nebbi district (West Nile region of Uganda). Their aim is to create an all-inclusive and transformative Ugandan community where children, women and youth are empowered to fulfil their potential. Edu Child Foundation Uganda have implemented the “Girls With Promise” project, aiming to champion the end to all forms of discrimination against women and girls in rural communities. The organisation has already carried out several activities targeting policy development and monitoring, educational and awareness raising on gender for better social development and realisation of the SDG’s by 2030.
To engage key members of the community, such as local authorities, an event was organised under the theme “Empowering Women and Girls to Thrive.” Through this dialogue, existing gender gaps in the community were identified. Education was a key topic, and how to address this gap by supporting quality education for girls in order to foster girls’ and women’s empowerment. Engaging communities and targeting participants was achieved through launching school clubs. The school pupils discussed topics such as girls’ and women’s rights, how to create a proper understanding on gender and its wider impact on the community and sustainable development.
The Women2030 programme, in cooperation with APWLD, GFC, GWA and WEP, aims to realise the SDG’s in a gender equitable and climate just way. Our goal is to advance local and regional equitable, inclusive and environmentally sustainable development, including the 2030 agenda and climate change processes. The biggest strength of #Women2030 is our bottom-up approach to implementing the SDG’s. Our programme builds on the collaboration between the international facilitating partners and the local women’s and gender equality partner organisations.