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By | 2023-03-13T08:35:18+00:00 July 15th, 2019|Advocacy, Events, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, News, Shadow reports, Shadow reports 2019, WECF|

Our partner organisation EASD has prepared this shadow report in parallel to Serbia’s Voluntary National Review, presented at the High Level Political Forum 2019. You can download it here: Serbia's shadow report. High Level Political Forum Aleksandra Mladenovic (Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development) delivered a combined statement on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, on [...]

Ending Violence Against Women Requires Systemic Change

By | 2023-03-10T08:37:09+00:00 November 25th, 2020|Advocacy, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, GFC, News, Reports & studies, Shadow reports, WECF|

by Jeanette Sequeira (Global Forest Coalition) and Audrey Ledanois (Women Engage for a Common Future) This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th comes toward the end of a particularly difficult one for women across the world, who with COVID-19 have faced domestic violence during lockdowns and financial [...]

Powerpoints of data collected for the gender assessments

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 November 9th, 2018|Advocacy, External news, Gender Assessments, Gender equality, News, Reports & studies|

Women2030’s partners are monitoring the implementation of the SDGs and collect primary data thanks to questionnaires delivered and focus group discussions organized with community groups. The documents provide an overview of the community-based data collected by our partners as part of their gender assessment Summary of the data for W2030 Kyrgystan W2030 GA données collectées [...]

Comparative study on energy cooperatives in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:34+00:00 June 22nd, 2018|Climate, Energy, Reports & studies, WECF|

The study analyzes the potential of energy cooperatives as a decentralized renewable energy supply. What contribution can you make towards: achieving the sustainable development goals; improving local value creation and increasing energy independence? This study looks specifically at the countries Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia. This study was made in collaboration with [...]

Women2030 Gender Training and CCRI workshop

By | 2023-03-13T08:37:35+00:00 August 29th, 2017|News, Trainings (ToT)|

The Women2030 gender training and CCRI workshop took place from the 28th and 29th of August in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Overall the CCRI aims to contribute to the implementation of the CBD’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets by providing policy advice on effective and appropriate forms of support for community conservation. To do this, CCRI [...]