#Ruralwomen: join our Women2030 campaign!

It is the International Day of Rural Women on Monday today. Every year, October 15th commemorates the crucial role of rural women and girls, including Indigenous women and girls in contributing to sustainable development, rural livelihoods, food, climate resilience and wellbeing. This year, #Women2030 is highlighting the harsh impacts of unsustainable industries and development on rural women, and the need to support rural women-led solutions. Join us, share your own content, or use our suggestions below.


About our campaign

Backed by neoliberal policies and the corporate free trade model, we are seeing unsustainable production that benefits transnational corporations at the expense of rural women and their communities. Industrial agriculture and livestock production, for example, continues to drive deforestation and biodiversity loss, with its hazardous pesticides compromising the health of rural women. Additionally, development projects that fail to include the perspectives of rural women in decision-making are often displacing communities and degrading the natural resources on which their livelihoods depend.  Instead we want to see gender-responsive policies that support women-led livelihoods and production. Secure land tenure for rural women and communities is key in this! For more information on International Day of Rural Women, you can see: bit.ly/UNwomen-Rural-Womens-Day-2018



15 October 2018







You can post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media,  either your own messages or our suggested messages below. Remember to use both the hashtags, #women2030 and #ruralwomen, in all your posts so that we can retweet you. Feel free to also use our graphics, or share your own, in your posts and to translate the messages into your local language.



Use your own photos or download ours here: bit.ly/ruralwomen2030



On this International Day of Rural Women, #women2030 highlight the negative impacts of unsustainable industries and development on #ruralwomen. We need rural women- and community-led solutions and livelihoods women2030.org

Celebrate International Day of Rural Women today: recognising #ruralwomen as rights holders, leaders and key agents of change in sustainable development is crucial #women2030 women2030.org

No more corporate capture of community food production systems. We want food sovereignty and #ruralwomen led and community-led livelihoods #women2030                                                      

No more business as usual! Recent @IPCC report says rapid & far-reaching transitions in energy, land & industrial systems needed to stay under #1o5C. Support #ruralwomen & community-led solutions #women2030  www.ipcc.ch/report/sr15/

Respecting #ruralwomen and their important and legitimate role in defending their territory, biodiversity, right to food and sustainable development #women2030 women2030.org

#ruralwomen and communities in Paraguay call for addressing the agro-export practices that have generated globally unprecedented rates of deforestation, poverty and migration in the country #women2030 www.women2030.org/2018/07/13/paraguay @henoi.py

DRC: “Indigenous Pygmy women and #ruralwomen in agriculture should be recognised”. Access to land, training natural resources, credit, development programmes and cooperative structures are important #women2030 globalforestcoalition.org/forest-cover-56-community-conservation-in-africa

Despite constraints #ruralwomen in Armenia play a critical role as stewards of the land #women2030 www.women2030.org/2018/07/13/armenia @armenianforests

Armenia: #ruralwomen are primary collectors of fuelwood, wild foods and medicinal herbs and need to be included in decision-making on ecosystem-use at all levels #women2030 www.women2030.org/2018/07/13/armenia @armenianforests

Most targets on SDG 5 on gender equality in Colombia are ‘being left behind,’ and don’t focus on the needs of #ruralwomen A robust take on gender equality and women’s empowerment is needed in SDG implementation #women2030 https://www.women2030.org/2018/07/13/colombia

Indigenous and #ruralwomen and their traditional knowledge, practices and leadership are integral to  biodiversity, health and wellbeing of their communities #women2030  globalforestcoalition.org/resources/supporting-community-conservation


Who to tag


@women2030, @apwld, @gfc123, @WECF_INT, @WEPNija, @Women_Rio20 @UN_Women, @Women_Rio20, @UNBiodiversity, @UN4Indigenous, @UNHumanRights, @UN, @phumzileunwomen, @GlobalGoalsUN, @WECAN_INTL, @EuropeAid


Women2030, Global Forest Coalition, APWLD – Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, WEP Nigeria, WECF International, Women’s Major Group, Gender and Water Alliance, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, UN Women, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Global Goals for Sustainable Development, UN Human Rights Council


@wecf_international, @global.forest, @wep_nigeria, @unwomen, @unbiodiversity, @europeaid

By | 2023-03-13T08:36:03+00:00 October 15th, 2018|Gender equality, GFC, News, Outreach, WECF|0 Comments